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EVVOL – ‘Physical L.U.V’

EVVOL – ‘Physical L.U.V’


Berlin-based Evvol released a fine album called Eternalism last year, which included the higlights ‘Four Steps From Home’, ‘Your Love’ and ‘No Love’.

Physical L.U.V is the Irish singer Julie Chance and Australian multi-instrumentalist Jane Arnison’s new five-track EP recorded in their Kreuzberg studio. They say it’s “a dense, ethereal and very personal EP, documenting the physical and emotional comforts and constraints of love.”

The title track is a hypnotic track drawing on awning strings, live drums, percussion and synths analogues to give us a bit of a Tame Impala vibe and what they call “a pop song for 2016, “a truth telling tale about motivations and expectations in a lust driven world where the pleasure principle trumps reality, expressed through an organic sound pallet, far from the sheen of digital dominance,” they told i-D.

Physical L.U.V is released on !K7 Records in May.

See Also

“We are a bit worn out by the immediacy of preset-sound that is achieved through popular computer music programs. It encourages bland, lazy music where it all seems to have the same sonic palate, particularly electronic or laptop style genres. We started developing our sound through our debut album ‘Eternalism’ and we have further refined it with our new EP. We work in an analogue studio, where there are no presets, just a need to respond to the sounds we hear in the music we play. We arrived at a sound that feels like a fusion of the sharpness and sheen of the digital but with the imperfections of human performance and the depth and grit of organic analogue processing. A sound that is truly our own creation.” Julie Chance & Jane Arnison

Physical L.U.V Track listing:

  1. [DEVT]
  2. The Beat Within
  3. Physical L.U.V
  4. Comfort Fit
  5. Time & Space


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