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Whitney return to Ireland for a show at The Academy

Whitney return to Ireland for a show at The Academy


Whitney, the Chicago band lead by vocalist/drummer Julien Ehrlich and guitarist Max Kakacek, known for ‘Golden Days’ and the 2016 album Light Upon The Lake. will return to play Ireland on Sunday December 1st this year.

That means we are getting new music from Whitney this year as they finish their second album. Tickets are €25 plus fees on sale from Ticketmaster Friday at 9am.Pre-sale is currently available for fans on the band’s email list.

Whitney - Golden Days (Official Video)

The band have also announced European dates

Whitney tour dates

10 Cologne, Luor
12 Zurich, Bogen F
14 Munich, Strom
15 Berlin, Lido
17 Copenhagen, Store Vega
18 Amsterdam, Paradiso
21 Paris, Trabendo
23 Bristol, SWX
25 Cambridge, Junction
26 Nottingham, Rescue Rooms
27 Glasgow, QMU
28 Manchester, Albert Hall
29 London, Roundhouse

See Also

01 Dublin, Academy

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