
The Vinny Club State Mix!

The Vinny Club has made a rather amazing mix for State which features the following:…

David Holmes news, EP, Lil Wayne, Beach Boys remixes

David Holmes returns with a long time coming fourth solo album The Holy Pictures on…

Video: Jape – ‘I was a Man’

Today I can exclusively reveal that the black smoke which pops up every now and…

It’s Happening.. A recommendation

My favourite pub at the moment is The Bernard Shaw in Portobello. It’s been run…

Eh Sweden, did you forget something?

Hard luck to the Swedes last night but the Russians were flippin’ awesome. I wouldn’t…

Esau and Ezra Vampire Weekend – W.H.O.A

First listen to the Esau Mwamwaya and Ezra (Vampire Weekend) collaboration ‘Warm Heart of Africa’…

Esau Mwamwaya album imminent

Remember that Malawi-born London-based dude who owns a second-hand furniture shop and recorded a version…

WALE – W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E and mixtapes

Washington DC’s Wale has been causing a stir with his mixtapes of late and this…

Youtube-off extravaganza

Exciting times in our house yesterday as Rollie and his DJ Weezl came over to…

Le Galaxie ‘shakey face’ video

Fair play to the Le Galaxie boys for spreading the shakey face concept into music…

Video: The Beta Band frontman’s ‘Black Affair’

After trying his hand at being King Biscuit Time, former Beta Band singer Steve Mason…

Video: Lykke Li – ‘Little Bit’ (Live on Later)

This tune is already going on the next podcast, but this version is soopurb! Forget…

Jamie Lidell Documentary and Tickets

Jamie Lidell’s new album Jim is one of my favourite albums of the year thus…

The best musical interlude in a film…ever

My favourite musical interlude from possibly my favourite film of all-time, Mathieu Kassovitz’s La Haine.…

Video: Animal Collective – Water Curses

It’s a pixelated wonder! ‘Water Curses’ is from the EP of the same name, out…

The Kills – U.R.A Fever (Dubstep remix)

I’ve really warmed to The Kills latest album Midnight Boom in the last few weeks.…

Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy!

OK This is the last Bonus Party post for a while. Here is the uncut…

Holy Fuck @ Whelans

I can haz pedal? Not exactly the chest-pummeling I was hoping for but a gentle…

SEBP on Podge & Rodge tonight…

Tune into the Podge and Rodge Show, RTE2 at 10.50pm tonight to catch the Bonus…