There’s a facebook campaign just set up to help Jape’s superb next single ‘Phil Lynott’…
I really hope this girl is massive next year. She was a sparsely attended highlight…
A new 12″ is due from Cap Pas Cap is due in December and I’ve…
A superb live version of Owen Pallett’s ‘The CN Tower Belongs to the Dead’ segued…
Upbeat and slightly trippy, I present ‘Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second’ by Starfucker. I heartily…
Best video for the best song on the Ladyhawke album (which has six brilliant songs…
Really great gig. I’m so glad my last minute decision to head in paid off.…
Have you listened the Pivot State Mix yet? It deserves a plug because it’s awesome.…
Au Revoir Simone have a remix album of The Bird of Music out on November…
Yoome is a collaborative project of Chicago rapper Serengeti (who I posted a song by…
I haven’t paid attention to Matt and Kim since that Flosstradamus remix but this new…
Times New Viking (8pm), No Age (8.45pm) and Los Campesinos! (9.45pm) in Whelan’s, tonight. Only…
Tomorrow night sees Skinny Wolves launch a vinyl-only pressing of Indian Jewelry’s Sangles Redux with…
Duncan Lloyd is better known as the lead guitarist and backing vocalist from Maxïmo Park…
One of my favourite acts of all-time. Watch the videos for ‘Dirt’, ‘Aisha’, ‘Neptune City’…
What a night! That was a party. ALT was jammed with 680 people the final…
I finally got around to listening to the Friendly Fires album and I’m enjoying quite…
I hate that name. I haaate it. It’s the ultimate “sad-loser-in-his-bedroom-playing-plinky-plonky-music-on-his-keyboard-in-the-dark” stage name. Totally emo.…
How apt is that chorus in today’s economic climate? Like those Anglo Irish Bank fatcats…
Whatever happened to Tom Vek? Vek reminds me of that time in 2005 when music…