
Niall Byrne

Niall Byrne is the founder of the most-influential Irish music site Nialler9, where he has been writing about music since 2005 . He is the co-host of the Nialler9 Podcast and has written for the Irish Times, Irish Independent, Cara Magazine, Sunday Times, Totally Dublin, Red Bull and more. Niall is a DJ, founder of Lumo Club, club promoter, event curator and producer of gigs, listening parties & events in Dublin.

14194 Articles Published | Follow:
Video: Dirty Projectors – Stillness is the Move

Bitte Orca is one of the better albums of the year so far but you…

New Casiokids – Finn Bikkjen!

You’ll know this tune if you’ve seen Casiokids live at all this year. ‘Finn Bikkjen!’…

Nialler9 Weekly Chart

Remember those archaic days when you picked up a magazine or newspaper and saw a…

IAMSOUND: Fool’s Gold / Thecockandbullkid

One of my favourite labels IAmSound (home to Suckers, Little Boots, Telepathe, Thecockandbullkid, Florence and…

Introducing: Goldielocks & the Wandering Feet podcast

You may not know it yet but Goldielocks is a serious dub and grime head.…

Win tickets to Oxegen / W.H.O.A

In Day and Night today, it’s the fourth week of the Oxegen giveaway so pop…

Michael Jackson RIP

I can’t really write something today without mentioning MJ can I? You’ve had enough already…

Introducing: Little Girls

It’s been a while since I’ve written about a Canadian band I’ve been into in…

Benji B DJing in Solas tonight

A quick heads up to fans of head-nodding beatmakers, hip-hop, soul and proper R&B, Radio…

The XX – Crystalised (live)


Video: Marina and the Diamonds – I Am Not A Robot

Glitter and diamond fetishists beware! Marina and the Diamonds new video for the lead track…

Summer tune: Highlife – F Kenya Rip

The sun is blazing today, there are blue skies galore and the Dublin boyos are…

Hot Sauce Committee Pt.1

The cover of the new Beasties album. So there may be a part two? Yessir.…

Nialler9 Weekly Chart (22nd – 28th June)

Remember those archaic days when you picked up a magazine or a free newspaper and…

Win tickets to XXXChange (Spank Rock)

XXXChange is dropping on Dublin this Saturday for his first ever solo DJ set in…

Nialler9 in Perth – Something in the Water?

Aoife and the local entertainers Jon Strange the Magician and Johnny Deville, the cheesy Vegas…

The Catchup Mashup – Post Oz edition

With the jetlag firmly behind me, it’s time for a quick catchup post. More Oz…

Nialler9 in Melbourne – Hotel, hotel, gambling inn

In which we sample a couple more of Melbourne’s venues and meet our new hero…

Nialler9 in Melbourne: Deerhunter, Beaches and Songs

Our meeting at Triple R left us feeling immediately immersed in the scene here in…

Fight Like Apes – Battlestations (Jape remix)

This has been a long time comin. I first heard a version of this remix…