Indie, Rock & Alternative

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Mogwai / Fuck Buttons tour CD

Thanks to Gambra on Thumped for directing me to this apparently very limited split CD…

Kings of Leon – ‘Closer’

The first song on King’s of Leon’s new album Only By The Night is brilliant.…

Ponytail last night

Last night in Whelans was awesome. €14 for 4 bands, roughly 200 minutes of music.…

Unknown Pleasures #4

In an effort to shine a light on the unknown artists and songs that pass…

The muthafuckin’ Death Set

As I was in London on Friday so I missed The Death Set that night…

Heathers & Crayonsmith all ages gig tonight

Heathers kick off their Irish tour tonight in the Project Arts Centre. It’s €6 in,…

Dot Dash launch – You’re Only Massive / Queen Kong

Friday sees the launch of You’re Only Massive and Queen Kong’s rather good collaborative mixtape…

Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head

That is hands down one of the best band names I’ve ever heard. A pop…


Look at that press shot. How can Ponytail not be good? Like a giddy Angelica…

Grizzly Bear would beat Fleet Foxes in a fight..

Because let’s face it, their songs are way better. Sample some stellar new material from…

Pivot – O Soundtrack My Heart

Yet another bridge for Warp Records to traverse with the release of Pivot’s O Soundtrack…

Oxegen & Rage Against the Machine

A couple of years ago, I promised myself I wouldn’t return to Oxegen after a…

Dizzee covers The Ting Tings

Right, off to Oxegen for the weekend. There will be full reports of each day…

A milli.. A milli

I went to see Erykah Badu last night. She was unbelievably good. Absolutely stellar show…

Seven song surrender

Someone tagged me with a meme recently. At least I think they did. I can’t…

Two things to do today

Image from Shellshock Rock designed to blind you for the weekend. Darklight is on right…

Unknown Pleasures #2

In an effort to shine a light on the unknown artists and songs that pass…

nialler9 Podcast #16: June 08

There’s been so much great music to digest lately and June’s podcast is the perfect…

Unknown Pleasures # 1

In an effort to shine a light on the unknown artists and songs that pass…

Vote YES for Mystery Jets Remixes

Seriously dudes, you look effin stupid. So there I was in my internet chair thinking…

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