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Watch: Sean Carpio perform @ The Temple on Dublin’s coast for Chromatic

Watch: Sean Carpio perform @ The Temple on Dublin’s coast for Chromatic


Chromatic is a video series capturing musicians in unique places around Ireland. See previous episodes featuring MuRli, Maija Sofia, Royal Yellow, Louise Gaffney, Wyvern Lingo and more.

Dublin-based multi-instrumentalist Sean Carpio has worked with artists like Aoife Nessa Frances, Louis Stewart, Eomac, Nina Hynes, Cian Nugent, Ellie O’Neil and Kit Downes over the years, but his forthcoming release bares his own name.

The album, Waves of a Present, is out this month, July 15th, on Irish musician Dek Hynes’ vinyl-only label Ten Spot Records, and we’ve already shared two songs from the 10″ album – ‘Ancestral Love’ and ‘Dunes’, a harmony-laden song, like hearing the Beach Boys in horizontal somnambulist mode.

For the latest video in the Chromatic series, Sean Carpio is captured performing the song at a place called The Temple in Dublin, an eroded building by the lapping waves of the Irish sea.

Watch the Chromatic video here:

Dunes is a song fascinated by the liberation found in being completely in the
moment, a freedom that can unveil the future to us. This sentiment is echoed in the
Japanese proverb, “This now is so perfect, it must be eternity.” The music itself–
with its delicate guitar melodies and four-part harmony vocals arcing back on
themselves–is lush and dreamlike. Drifting slide guitar lines interwoven throughout
conjure up a dreamlike land, and the finale lifts the listener still further into the
heavens with a swelling flood of improvised drums. The song’s original wellspring
was a transcription exercise on Chris Weisman’s and Milton Nascimanto’s music:
the works of both these artists can be found snaking their way through non-related
keys before arriving back at their origins. Dunes’ lyrics were inspired by Frank
Herbert’s Dune, a novel depicting a world where science and technology mingle
with spirituality and instinct, and where prescient truth exists on a knife’s edge.

Waves of a Present is out on Friday July 15th on Ten Spot Records, and a launch happens at the Fumbally Cafe on August 13th.

Sean Carpio: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Ten Spot Records

Chromatic: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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