
Niall Byrne

Niall Byrne is the founder of the most-influential Irish music site Nialler9, where he has been writing about music since 2005 . He is the co-host of the Nialler9 Podcast and has written for the Irish Times, Irish Independent, Cara Magazine, Sunday Times, Totally Dublin, Red Bull and more. Niall is a DJ, founder of Lumo Club, club promoter, event curator and producer of gigs, listening parties & events in Dublin.

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Introducing: Son Green

I’ve a soft spot for tunes which can’t easily be categorised and this is one…

The Power of MAP

The Holy Roman Army got in touch within 24 hours of the last MAP post…

Inbox Jukebox

“Because not everything music bloggers get sent is total shit.” This time around – Dam…

Win a copy of Veckatimest

Where else in Dublin but Tower Records would you see a bunch of lads lepping…

What will the Julian Casablancas solo album be like?

If we’re judging by this preview (and I am), The Strokes frontman has been listening…

MAP – The global music blogger mixtape – July 09

MAP (Music Alliance Pact) asks 26 music bloggers (welcome Venezuela and Japan!) across the world…

Why? – The Blackest Purse

Well well. A taster from Why?’s forthcoming album Eskimo Snow appeared today and as Pitchfork…

Oxegen – The Aftermath

A great time was had over the weekend in Punchestown despite the rain and mud.…

Off to Oxegen…

If you’re heading down to the Oxegen, here are some recommendations for each day and…

Florence and the Machine’s London album launch

On the day that Florence and the Machine’s debut album Lungs is officially launched, it is number one in…

Win Florence and the Machine’s Chest..

It’s Florence and the Machine week after her album launch gig in London and this…

Height with Friends – Mike Stone

Height is a Baltimore rapper on Wham City Records with two decent albums under his…

Nialler9 Weekly Chart

I’m off to London today for this which should be great. Full report tomorrow hopefully.…

Anyone up for some drone rock?

Drone rock really is the best way to describe this lovely mess of noise, this…

Magic Wands – Magic, Love and Dreams EP

I’ve been following Magic Wands for about a year or so now. Their track ‘Black…

Introducing: Apricot Rail

On my last night in Perth a few weeks back, I neglected to mention that…

Buy Fanfarlo’s album for $1

It’s worth a lot more but until Saturday (4th July) you can buy the mighty…

2009’s best & overlooked albums so far

It’s July 1st, the mid-point of the year, a good time to reflect on what…

Ruairi Lynch – Slide

I got this nice tune in recently and seeing as Ruairi will be DJing at…

HWCH launch vids

Popped along to the launch of Hard Working Class Heroes yesterday for their whistle-stop tour…