Irish Music

Intro: SHAWN – Dublin duo explore R&B club atmospherics & mundane suburban living

Sean Reilly sung live with White Collar Boy on the rocks at sunset at Drop…

Bad Bones drops her latest monthly track, the darkly-concocted ‘Worship’

Bad Bones came straight out of the blocks in January with ‘Beg’ a track that…

EMBRZ – ‘Breathe’

Jack Casey aka EMBRZ has been slowly developing his twinkling electronic music over the last…

BARQ – ‘That Thing You Love’

After announcing their arrival with ‘Gentle Kind Of Lies’, an alternative R and B track,…

Watch Slow Place Like Home’s van-set video for ‘Tiger Lilly’ Donegel musician Keith Mannion aka Slow Place Like Home has released a fine collection…

Ensemble Ériu – ‘The Tempest’

Ensemble Ériu released one of the most exciting albums of contemporary trad music in recent…

Watch Lisa O’Neill’s new video for ‘Gormlaith’s Grieving’

Lisa O’Neill’s new album Pothole In The Sky (stream), her third finds the Cavan singer-songwriter…

Lyra embraces her Irish accent & big drums on ‘Emerald’

The London-based Cork artist Lyra debut with an impressively polished ambient pop song called ‘Rabbit In The…

Waterford musician Peter Vogelaar drops summer conceptual album, watch the new video

The Waterford musician and producer Peter Vogelaar released an eclectic album called The Science Of…

Planet Parade – ‘Face To Face’

The Kildare duo Michael Hopkins & Andrew Lloyd aka Planet Parade have announced their debut…

Marlene Enright – ‘Underbelly’

When not playing music with Cork band The Hard Ground, Marlene Enright has recently been…

Intro: Dublin synth pop band Flecks drop debut Girl EP

The Dublin five-piece band Flecks dropped their debut EP Girl on Friday and established their…

Watch Ailbhe Reddy’s crumbling video for ‘Distrust’

In February, I debuted the single from upcoming Dublin singer-songwriter Ailbhe Reddy, ‘Distrust’ from her…

AikJ drops some soulful sweet R&B on ‘Suite Life’

Dublin R&B singer AikJ is a name that has increasing in visibility of late. AikJ…

Listen to the new Augustus & John EP – Station West

Last year, the Galway-based duo Mike Smalle & Matteo Grassi AKA Augustus & John released…

Kobina – Sentinel Island EP (first listen)

The Dublin-based producer Sean Arthur, aka Kobina has an output to date that has moved…

MKAI – ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’

MKAI are four MacSweeny brothers from Cork who released their debut EP Waiting produced and…

Bad Bones – ‘Come’ Bad Bones aka Dublin producer and musician Sal Stapleton is releasing a track and…

Support Breathe, a charity album for Pieta House

Breathe is a new charity album in aid of Pieta House featuring in aid of…

R.S.A.G. – ‘Leave A Light On’

New music from Jeremy Hickey aka Rarely Seen Above Ground is always welcome around these…