Dot Dash launch – You’re Only Massive / Queen Kong

Friday sees the launch of You’re Only Massive and Queen Kong’s rather good collaborative mixtape…

Neon Neon Dublin date

Neon Neon. November 4th in Tripod. Support from Yo Majesty. Tickets €24.50 / €28 (inc.…


Those in Dublin in heavy withdrawl from dancing like a mentaller to hard fast bass-heavy…

Hard Working Class Heroes line-up

The line-up for HWCH every year allows me to quickly take stock on the Irish…

Daniel Johnston and Friends

Photo from Flickr by kaotage. I was aware that two special shows were to take…

Oxegen & Rage Against the Machine

A couple of years ago, I promised myself I wouldn’t return to Oxegen after a…


Come along if you’re about. I’ll be at the Soundcheck indie night in Spy tomorrow…

A milli.. A milli

I went to see Erykah Badu last night. She was unbelievably good. Absolutely stellar show…

Two things to do today

Image from Shellshock Rock designed to blind you for the weekend. Darklight is on right…

It’s Happening.. A recommendation

My favourite pub at the moment is The Bernard Shaw in Portobello. It’s been run…

Look. At. The. Fucking. Moon.

As the Future Days draws to a close, I wonder how successful it was for…

Primavera Roundup

Just to recap on it all. Photo gallery above. Updates for State [plug] Issue 04…

Primavera Twitter Digest 31st May

Times New Viking just woke me up with their scuzzy shout rock. In the auditori…

Primavera Twitter Digest 30th May

In the massive auditori waiting for glen and marketa to start. This place is huge.…

Primavera Twitter Digest 29th May

I decided to twitter primavera updates to my blog cos I can. Keep an eye…

Public Enemy – Don’t Look Back

My virgin attendance at a Public Enemy gig and I probably picked the best possible…

Tonight – Ghislain Poirier, Traffic

Ghislain Poirier – Check out his Bring the Fire mix. Dj Halfdutch – Check out…

May Gig Gauntlet Day 2

Live from the Sugar Club last night, despite the venue’s stupid seated crowd and keyboard…

Now is the time to self-actualise!

[slideshow=3,470,360] Cork! Galway! Saul is coming to your town tonight and tomorrow night. Don’t miss.…

Mantua Additions: Múm, Daedelus, Poet of Rhythm & more

The Mantua Festival has announced some more headline additions to the three day event taking…