Amazing video for what is fast becoming my song of the year. Those are real…
One of my favourite acts of all-time. Watch the videos for ‘Dirt’, ‘Aisha’, ‘Neptune City’…
I finally got around to listening to the Friendly Fires album and I’m enjoying quite…
I hate that name. I haaate it. It’s the ultimate “sad-loser-in-his-bedroom-playing-plinky-plonky-music-on-his-keyboard-in-the-dark” stage name. Totally emo.…
Trust me. that artwork is way better than seeing a press shot of this husband…
This video is probably safe for work for about 45 seconds. After that not so…
In an effort to shine a light on the unknown artists and songs that pass…
A quick exit from the focus on Irish artists to this live Daedelus megamix and…
I’ve always had a soft spot for David Holmes. In fact he was one of…
No, not golf. Although I do like the sport and used to play it quite…
I’ve been a big fan of former Argentinean comedian Juana Molina for a couple of…
So the move from Lugalla, Wicklow to the more central location of Royal Hospital Grounds…
Thanks to Gambra on Thumped for directing me to this apparently very limited split CD…
Ben Jacobs, the man responsible for two fo the best gigs I’ve seen in my…
Did you enjoy ‘Paris is Burning’ from our most recent Podcast by New Zealand’s Ladyhawke?…
Richie Egan has bestowed upon us his inspired cover of that seminal 1982 paean ‘Africa’…
This is the soundtrack to your weekend. Whether that is driving down to the Picnic…
I’m starting to hear it in DJ sets and record shops now. It’s got a…
Vinny is a giver not a taker so for the duration of today only (his…