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Nialler9’s Top 50 Irish songs of 2020

See all best of 2020 coverage. If you want to get access to the best…

Nialler9’s Top 40 albums of 2020

See all best of 2020 coverage. If you want to get access to the best…

Nialler9’s Top 25 Irish albums of 2020

In a year where artists could not perform, could not make a living, could not…

The 40 best new Irish bands of 2020

Welcome to the third annual Nialler9 new new Irish bands list! It is of course,…

No Irish female artist had a number 10 chart hit in the last 2 years, the newest Gender Disparity Report finds

Following on from the first Gender Disparity report ,which found that most Irish national radio…

A chat with Nealo – All The Leaves Are Falling & the pursuit of honesty

Dublin rapper Nealo sits down with Luke Sharkey to discuss the creative ethos which birthed his excellent debut album All The Leaves Are Falling.

Budget 2021: An overview of live music, arts and entertainment funding announced

It’s been an unforeseen 12 months since we last discussed the Budget in regards to…

The Irish Youth Music Awards announces ambitious online event featuring Fontaines D.C, Pillow Queens & more

The Irish Youth Music Awards has always put on a great day out for teenagers…

It’s Ireland Music Week – an overview who’s playing and what’s happening at the online showcase & conference event

It’s Ireland Music Week and normally, that would mean spending much of the next seven…

Nightclubs are not coming back to Irish society this year, according to Irish government’s Living With COVID-19 plan

Look, it won’t be a surprise to anyone following the guidelines around events at the…

The Irish government is exploring alcohol-free music events to take place – a look at the numbers

Last night, news emerged that the Irish government is considering allowing alcohol-free music events to…

FKA Twigs, SWAI & Why Sex Work Laws In Ireland Need To Change

The Irish sex work law is currently under review. We talk to Sex Workers Alliance Ireland to learn more about what needs to change.

Songs From An Empty Room raises €400,000+ for Irish live music professionals, but organisers call for amendments to PUP & Wage Subsidy Scheme

The Songs From An Empty Room live broadcast on RTÉ last Saturday raised €400,000 for…

Reducing the €350 Covid Pandemic Unemployment Payment will decimate the arts & entertainment industry; sign the petition

The Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) was brought in by Fine Gael in March to provide…

Why we need to keep shouting about the Irish live music industry post-Songs From An Empty Room event

The UK announces fund to save venues from insolvency, will the Irish government do the same?

30 of the best albums from 2020 so far

If last year felt like a strange year for music at the half way point,…

10 of our favourite Irish albums from 2020 so far

At the half point in the year, it’s a good time to reflect the longform…

Music programmer Rob Farhat pens piece on structural racism in Irish arts and what can be done about it

The co-founder of Ensemble Records and current live music programmer based in London, Rob Farhat…

A new report shows most Irish radio stations’ top 20 Irish airplay features less than 10% women artists, or worse

A new report released today based on data from Radiomonitor, which charts the airplay of…

Ireland to allow gatherings up to 50 people indoors & 200 people outdoors from June 29th; 100 people indoors & 500 people outdoors from July 20th

With the Coronavirus restrictions suddenly being rapidly accelerated with the various stages being amalgamated –…

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